Friday, May 14, 2010

Women, Food and God author Geneen Roth on Oprah

I’m so glad I had this episode of Oprah on my DVR! What really touched me is the part where Oprah and Geneen Roth, author of “Women Food and God,” talked about looking into the mirror, deep into your eyes, down into your soul and asking yourself, “What do you see?” Looking past your fat, all of your imperfections, all your blemishes and really asking yourself that question.
Have you done that before? What was the answer?

The philosophy the book seems to be promoting is that when we have no inner connection with our creator (or maker, or God, or whatever you want to call it), we tend to suffocate our feelings with food or some other addiction.

When we eat when we are NOT hungry, we are suffocating something deep inside of ourselves. It could be past pain or emotions, it could be insecurities, it could be anything.

We have to stop hating and beating ourselves up. We HAVE to be KIND to OURSELVES and others.

Here’s one of the quotes Oprah read from the book:
“Can you remember a time perhaps when you were very young, when life as it was – just the fact that it was early morning or any old day in summer – was enough?
When you were enough not because of what you looked like or what you did, but just because everything was the way it was. What if you could live that way now, and what if your relationship to food was that doorway?”

I can remember a time such as this. A time when I felt safe, loved and food didn’t matter, my appearance didn't matter, my messy hair didn't matter, my blemishes didn't matter. A time when I was unconditionally happy because that’s what I was and that was simply the way things were. My heart wells when I think of that time in my life as a young child.

I usedto have so much fun doing the simpler things. Like running around bare foot, letting rain land in my mouth, the softness of my moms arms while she hugged me, washing dishes... instead of worrying about what food I’d be eating or how I looked to others.

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